Rare Breeds

With dozens of different breeds available, you can easily find and order the ideal chickens for your free-range flock, backyard flock or farm. Chickens for Backyards has rare breed baby chicks for sale, both sexed and unsexed, for you to choose. These chickens are not commonly found on other farms and their egg-laying characteristics, coloration, behavior and hardiness makes them a great addition to your flock.

From the beautiful peach-colored Buff Brahma to the white-and-black speckled Silver Laced Cochin to the quiet and docile Barnevelder, these rare chickens are unique from many other commonly found breeds. Their brightly patterned plumage, from rich brown to white to peach, makes them beautiful to look at while their personalities and behavior makes them great family pets. If you are seeking a chicken or multiple chickens to keep in your backyard flock or have around your farm for many years, select a rare breed and find the characteristics that you are looking for.

*FREE GIFT – with every shipment of chicks 

If you are specifically seeking a hen or rooster, click on the sexed rare breed chicks. If you do not have a preference, order unsexed chicks.

Chickens For Backyards