Rhode Island Red Chicken (Exhibition Type)

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Day Old Female$21.95
Day Old Male$21.95
Day Old Not Sexed$9.85

The single comb Rhode Island Red Chicken (Exhibition Type) has the breed’s original large size and dark mahogany plumage. By way of contrast, a strain of production Rhode Island Reds was developed for more efficient egg production. However, accompanying the increased focus on laying was a reduced focus on appearance.

These Rhode Island Reds have the original rich color, blocky appearance, and docile nature. Admitted to the American Standard of Perfection in 1904, the Rhode Island Red Chicken (Exhibition Type) remains a showroom favorite and is often displayed on Champion Row.

If you are seeking the smaller bodied strain with improved egg production, check out our production Rhode Island Reds. For an even smaller version, you can also find Rhode Island Red Bantams here at Chickens for Backyards.

 Egg Color Brown  Hardiness Warm
 Egg Size Large  Broody Variable
 Production Good  Hen Weight 6½ lbs
 Personality Active  Rooster Weight 8½ lbs

Live Chick Guarantee

We guarantee your ordered number of birds will arrive healthy and true to breed. Please contact us immediately should any losses or variances to your order occur. This guarantee covers only the safe and live delivery of your poultry. For any adjustment to be made, you must report any loss to Chickens for Backyards within 3 days of receipt. Reshipment is subject to availability and minimum shipping requirements; we will reship only once. Reimbursements are limited to the cost of the birds and do not include shipping charges.

Click here to learn more about shipping baby chicks and Marek’s vaccination


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