Barred Plymouth Rock Exhibition Type

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Day Old Female$21.95
Day Old Male$21.95
Day Old Not Sexed$9.85

These Barred Plymouth Rock Exhibition Type standard size chickens closely conform to their breed description in the American Poultry Association Standard of Perfection. This breed has been standardized since 1874. The Standard describes them as being an active and useful dual-purpose breed.

As called for in the Standard, these Barred Plymouth Rock chickens have a long, broad back and broad, well-rounded breast. The rooster’s tail angles 30 degrees from the back. The hen’s tail angles at 20 degrees. Both the rooster and hen have black-and-white barred feathers, with the rooster’s plumage slightly paler than the hen’s.

Barred Plymouth Rock Exhibition Type chickens feather early, giving you an advantage for early season poultry shows. They are among the top most popular breeds for exhibition. Other standard size exhibition type breeds available here at Chickens for Backyards include Rhode Island Red and Silver Laced Wyandotte.

 Egg Color Brown  Hardiness Cold
 Egg Size Large  Broody Excellent
 Production Good  Hen Weight 7½ lbs
 Personality Active  Rooster Weight 9½ lbs

Live Chick Guarantee

We guarantee your ordered number of birds will arrive healthy and true to breed. Please contact us immediately should any losses or variances to your order occur. This guarantee covers only the safe and live delivery of your poultry. For any adjustment to be made, you must report any loss to Chickens for Backyards within 3 days of receipt. Reshipment is subject to availability and minimum shipping requirements; we will reship only once. Reimbursements are limited to the cost of the birds and do not include shipping charges.

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