Category: Chicken Care Tips

6 Perennial Weeds You Can Feed to Your Chickens

yellow dandelion flowers

Feeding chickens can get expensive. But what if we told you there was a simple and easy way to cut down on costs? By planting perennial weeds around your backyard, you can do just that. These weeds are safe for your chickens to eat and will regrow every spring, thus reducing how much feed you… Read more »

Friendliest Chicken Breeds

Two girls holding chickens

Chickens make great companions and can be wonderful helpers in teaching responsibility and care to kids. Of course, with any animal, some breeds are known to be more friendly with humans. Especially if it’s your first time caring for chickens, it’s never a bad idea to get some that you know have the reputation of… Read more »

Keeping Your Chickens Cool on Hot Summer Days

Keeping Your Chickens Cool on Hot Summer Days

When it gets hot in the summertime, you can retreat inside your air conditioned home or gulp down a bunch of ice-cold water to beat the heat. But unfortunately, your chickens aren’t able to do the same. They have to stay outside where it’s hot, and if you’re not careful they can overheat due to… Read more »

Can Essential Oils Help Your Chickens?

Bottles of rosemary essential oil on table

Recently, some poultry farmers have been integrating essential oils into their flocks’ diets. While there isn’t much research yet as to the effectiveness of essential oils, many farmers and backyard flock owners swear by them. Here, we examine some of the most commonly used essential oils for chickens. What are essential oils? Essential oils are… Read more »

Chicken Nesting Boxes 101

Chicken Nesting Boxes 101

Chickens can be as finicky as Goldilocks when it comes to their nesting boxes. They can’t be too big or too small, too hard or too soft; they need to be just right for your chickens to use them. Finding this perfect middle ground can be difficult, but it’s not impossible.   Here we’ve put… Read more »

How to Keep Your Chickens Out of Your Garden

How to Keep Your Chickens Out of Your Garden

A common challenge that many people who raise backyard chickens struggle with is keeping their chickens out of their garden. One day your garden may be fine, but the next you find it trampled and eaten. While some people just decide to get rid of their garden, there are ways for your chickens and your… Read more »

How to Catch a Chicken

man farmer holding a chicken in his hands

Once you develop a bond with your chickens, you should have no problem scooping them up into your arms. However, some chickens will always be intransigent, squirming or running away before you can get your arms around them. If you have a few chickens in your flock like this, here are a few methods on… Read more »

4 Lessons Kids Learn When Raising Backyard Chickens

young girl holding chicken

Here at Chickens for Backyards, we always talk about how beneficial raising backyard chickens can be. Not only can chickens provide a fresh batch of eggs and friendly companionship, they can also be a learning opportunity for our kids. Below are four lessons that your children will learn when they start raising backyard chickens. Responsibility… Read more »

How to Prevent Salmonella Outbreaks in Backyard Flocks

baby chicks on green grass

If you have a backyard flock of chickens, it’s important to be aware of the risk factors associated with salmonella outbreaks. Salmonella is a genus of dangerous bacteria that can spread through a flock of chickens via rodent droppings, and then be transmitted to humans if poultry or eggs are not properly prepared. Humans can… Read more »

Everything You Need to Know About Feather Pecking

chickens on farm

Feather pecking is a common behavior amongst birds, especially backyard chickens. However, it’s not necessarily a healthy behavior. Feather pecking mostly occurs when chickens are bored or stressed, and it can cause harm on their overall health. Here, we discuss everything you need to know about feather pecking so you can avoid it in the… Read more »