Category: Chicken Care Tips

Different Types of Animals that Can Coexist with Chickens

Different Types of Animals that Can Coexist with Chickens

When you start raising a backyard flock, you may begin exploring the idea of raising other types of animals as well. If you have ample backyard space, this can be a real possibility. But you want to make sure that your new animals will coexist with your chickens. Below we list out some of the… Read more »

Chicken Molting: How to Prepare for When Your Chickens Start to Molt

Chicken Molting: How to Prepare for When Your Chickens Start to Molt

The life of a backyard chicken owner means always thinking a few steps ahead. While we may still be in the midst of summer, we also have to start thinking about the upcoming season–fall. Autumn is a time for pumpkins, falling leaves, and Thanksgiving dinners. It’s also the time for chickens to start molting. Every… Read more »

Clipping Chicken Wings: How to Do It and Why You Should

Clipping Chicken Wings: How to Do It and Why You Should

One of the most frustrating things when raising backyard chickens is chasing after a bird that’s flown the coop. While chickens can’t fly around like a typical bird, they can still use their wings to travel a good distance. This is fine in rural areas where they have lots of space to roam, but it… Read more »

The Ultimate Chicken Summer Care Guide

The Ultimate Chicken Summer Care Guide

Earlier in the year, we discussed how best to take care of your chickens during the cold, winter months. But now that the temperatures are rising, we must turn our attention to the coming summer months. Summer, just like winter, brings its own host of challenges when caring for your backyard flock. As such, preparing… Read more »

Understanding the Chicken Pecking Order

Understanding the Chicken Pecking Order

“The pecking order.” It’s a term you’ve likely heard before, especially if you’ve ever worked in an office setting. While the phrase has been used to describe the human social order, it was originally intended for chickens, not humans. First coined by Thorleif Schjelderup-Ebbe, the pecking order is the best way to understand the social… Read more »

The Different Types of Chicken Sounds

The Different Types of Chicken Sounds

Our chickens may not be able to talk with words and phrases like us, but that doesn’t mean they don’t have a language of their own. Chickens can produce over 24 different types of sounds and call, all of which denote different meanings. Chickens can even combine these sounds to create more complex dialogue with… Read more »

How to Create a Chicken Garden

How to Create a Chicken Garden

Many chicken owners are concerned with keeping their flock out of their gardens, but what about a garden specifically for your flock? Chicken gardens are becoming a popular way of feeding a flock and keeping that flock healthy. Not only will it help keep your chickens fed, but it’ll also help you save money on… Read more »

Debunking Common Myths About Backyard Chickens

Debunking Common Myths Associated with Raising Backyard Chickens

We at Chickens for Backyards think that everyone should experience the joys of raising backyard chickens. But we also understand that many people have concerns about taking the leap into the world of chickens. While many of these concerns are legitimate, just as many are based on myths and misconceptions. That’s why we’re taking the… Read more »

Should I Give My Chickens Probiotics?

Should I Give My Chickens Probiotics?

For every person who raises backyard chickens, they will inevitably have to ask themselves the big question: should you or shouldn’t you feed your chickens probiotics? While some people hesitate, probiotics can be extremely beneficial to your chickens. This is especially the case if you’re raising your chickens for meat. Nevertheless, it’s always a good… Read more »

Livestock Guard Dogs: The Best Dog Breeds to Protect Your Flock

Livestock Guard Dogs: The Best Dog Breeds to Protect Your Flock

From snakes to badgers, there are a lot of potential predators that can threaten your flock. While we can put up as much fencing and wiring as we can, there is only so much we can do. That’s why many chicken raisers employ livestock guard dogs (LGD) to protect their flock. However, not just any… Read more »