How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

Perhaps the primary reason for raising backyard chickens is having a fresh supply of eggs on your table every day. However, when you’re new to raising chickens, you may be asking yourself one question: how often will my hens lay eggs? Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer.  The short answer Frankly, there is no short… Read more »

Why Do Roosters Crow? How to Stop Your Chickens From Eating Eggs

How to Stop Your Chickens from Eating Eggs

Have you caught your chickens eating their eggs? It’s a common, but serious problem that plagues many flocks, and the longer that you let it go on, the harder it is to stop. Here we discuss why chickens eat their eggs, and what you can do to stop it.  Why are my chickens eating their… Read more »

A Beginner's Guide to Owning and Raising Backyard Chickens

A Beginner’s Guide to Owning and Raising Backyard Chickens

Raising backyard chickens can be a thrilling and rewarding experience; it can also be a daunting experience. This is especially the case for beginners who may be attracted to the idea of raising backyard chickens but may not know where to start. That’s why we’ve put together this step-by-step guide to help all beginners get… Read more »

6 Tips for Breeding Chickens

6 Tips for Breeding Chickens

For some people, owning one or two chickens in their backyard is all they need to be happy. For others, however, the more the merrier! While you can certainly keep buying hens from Chickens for Backyards, there is a special joy in breeding chickens yourself. Not only will this increase the numbers in your flock,… Read more »

Everything You Need to Know About Rooster Spurs

Everything You Need to Know About Rooster Spurs

Rooster spurs are the source of worry for every person who raises chickens. While they may not be any harm to the rooster itself, they can be harmful to others, namely the humans and chickens that live alongside the rooster. If you’re raising roosters alongside your hens, then here are some things you should know… Read more »

The Environmental Benefits of Raising Backyard Chickens

The Environmental Benefits of Raising Backyard Chickens

There are many benefits to raising backyard chickens. They’re great pets, good educational tools, and they provide you with plenty of fresh eggs. They can also be great for the environment by helping you live a more sustainable lifestyle. Here’s how: Fresh eggs As we said before, having a constant supply of fresh eggs is… Read more »

Training Your Chickens to Return to the Coop

Training Your Chickens to Return to the Coop

If you’re a chicken owner, you’ve likely had to spend at least a few nights tracking down each of your chickens before you go to bed. This is hardly how you want to spend your evening, which is why many chicken owners opt for training their chickens to return to the coop on their own…. Read more »

Herbicides, Pesticides, and Your Chickens

Herbicides, Pesticides, and Your Chickens

When raising backyard chickens, you obviously want to keep them safe and healthy. You also want to keep your lawn looking its best. For many homeowners, herbicides and pesticides are used to keep unwanted pests and plants away, but what do you do if you have backyard chickens? Are those same herbicides and pesticides safe… Read more »

Tips for Raising Chickens and Ducks Together

Tips for Raising Chickens and Ducks Together

There’s no rule that when you start raising backyard chickens that you can only raise backyard chickens. In fact, there are plenty of other species that you can raise alongside your chickens including guinea fowl, turkeys, and, of course, ducks. Ducks are a great species to raise together with chickens, but there are some things… Read more »