Category: Eggs

What Are the Different Chicken Egg Sizes?

fresh eggs in basket

When you head to the grocery store, you’ll likely see many varieties of eggs. You’ll see white eggs and brown eggs, cage-free and pasture-raised, and more. Another distinction you’ll notice is the size of the eggs. Chicken eggs can come in many sizes, but the USDA recognizes only six weight classes. Read on to learn… Read more »

How to Strengthen Your Chickens’ Eggs

How to Strengthen Your Chickens' Eggshells

There’s nothing quite like using fresh eggs in your kitchens. It’s one of the reasons why people start raising backyard chickens in the first place. However, as you’re collecting the most recent batch of eggs, you may notice some of them have softer shells (some may even be shell-less). There are a number of different… Read more »

The Ultimate Egg Buying Guide

chicken eggs in carton

You’re in the grocery store and a column of egg cartons stand before you. You see various words and phrases etched onto the cartons like Grade A or Free-Range. When you open the carton, some eggs are white, while others a soft brown. Many people just pick up the first carton of eggs they find,… Read more »

Chicken Eggs vs. Duck Eggs

bowl of chicken eggs and duck eggs

For many Americans, an egg or two in the morning is a classic breakfast staple. Whether they’re scrambled, over-easy, or mixed in with a quiche, most of the eggs we use come from chickens. And granted, chicken eggs are certainly nutritious and tasty. Nevertheless, more and more people are now discovering the benefits of duck… Read more »

Why We Refrigerate Eggs in America

carton of eggs on table

Any American who has traveled to Europe has probably noticed one striking culinary difference—eggs are not refrigerated. Instead, they are left to comfortably rest in bowls on kitchen counters. It’s a phenomenon commonly seen in many other parts of the world as well. As a result, we are left to wonder  who is right in… Read more »

The Ultimate Guide to Chicken Eggs

The Ultimate Guide to Chicken Eggs

While chickens provide great companionship, there is a very tangible benefit to raising backyard chickens: their eggs. Having a fresh supply of eggs that your family can enjoy each morning is why many chicken raisers get into the business in the first place. Plus, there’s no denying that selling your chicken eggs can be quite… Read more »

What to Do with Extra Eggs from Your Backyard Chickens

What to Do with Extra Eggs from Your Backyard Chickens?

One of the joys of raising backyard chickens is having a fresh supply of eggs each morning. But what do you do when that supply gets too big? While you can store eggs to use later, you will still be getting more and more of them as time goes on. If you don’t want your eggs to… Read more »

What Does It Mean When You Find Blood Spots in Eggs?

What Does It Mean When You Find Blood Spots in Eggs?

When you first start raising chickens, you may notice that the eggs you receive from your hens aren’t quite as uniform as the ones you’re used to buying in a grocery store. That’s because commercially-sold eggs are inspected and sorted before they’re shipped to ensure all the eggs in a carton appear roughly the same…. Read more »

How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

How Often Do Chickens Lay Eggs?

Perhaps the primary reason for raising backyard chickens is having a fresh supply of eggs on your table every day. However, when you’re new to raising chickens, you may be asking yourself one question: how often will my hens lay eggs? Unfortunately, there is no clear-cut answer.  The short answer Frankly, there is no short… Read more »

How to Stop Your Chickens from Eating Eggs

How to Stop Your Chickens From Eating Eggs

Have you caught your chickens eating their eggs? It’s a common, but serious problem that plagues many flocks, and the longer that you let it go on, the harder it is to stop. Here we discuss why chickens eat their eggs, and what you can do to stop it.  Why are my chickens eating their… Read more »