Category: Eggs

How to Wash Freshly Laid Eggs

How to Wash Freshly Laid Eggs

One of the best things about raising backyard chickens is having a supply of freshly laid eggs in your kitchen at all times. However, if you want to take advantage of that supply, you must take care of your chickens’ eggs properly. This includes washing them and storing them for when you finally need them…. Read more »

What You Need to Know About Colored Chicken Eggs

What You Need to Know About Colored Chicken Eggs

If you walk into your local grocery store, you’ll notice that most eggs have white-colored shells. However, did you know that there are multiple variations of egg colors? In fact, colored eggs are commonly found in backyard coops. Before you start your collection, there is some vital information to understand: The Science Behind the Color… Read more »

Cage-Free vs. Free-Range Eggs: What’s the Difference?

Cage-Free vs. Free-Range Eggs: What's the Difference?

You’re in the grocery store and you grab a carton of eggs. You look at the label and see the word “cage-free.” Then you look at another carton of eggs and see “free-range.” Both terms appear to mean the same thing, but in fact they’re quite different. They’re also quite misleading, as these terms create… Read more »

The Meaning Behind Different Colored Chicken Eggs

When you purchase a dozen eggs from the grocery store, all of the eggs are typically the same color. You might get a dozen white eggs or a dozen brown in your carton. But when you take a look at the eggs that are laid by your personal chickens, you will notice that they are… Read more »

4 Fun Facts About Eggs

It’s National Egg month at Chickens for Backyards!

Following Easter, the most egg-centric holiday of the year, this is the perfect time to appreciate eggs for being nutritional powerhouses and culinary staples in cultures all across the globe. That’s why food producers, hatcheries and chefs are all celebrating National Egg Month in May! In honor of our favorite month of the year, we’d… Read more »