Category: Chicken Coops

How to Talk to Your Neighbors About Raising Backyard Chickens

Two neighbors talking across backyard fence

When you decide to raise backyard chickens, you’re not the only one who is impacted by that decision. Your neighbors will also be impacted. This is especially the case if you live in a city or suburb where you live right next to each other. So, before you start building your coop and gathering supplies,… Read more »

The Questions About Your Automatic Chicken Coop Doors…Answered

chicken walking up ramp to coop door

Automatic chicken coop doors are essential components to your chicken coop. They can keep your chickens secure while also providing them easy access to the outdoors. Plus, it saves you time and energy so you don’t have to go outside to let your chickens out every morning. However, many chicken owners have questions about how… Read more »

How to Fix a Stinky Coop

chickens in a chicken coop

We love our chickens, but sometimes, things can get a little stinky. Chicken coops can get smelly, which can be upsetting to both you and your chickens. Thankfully, there are ways for you to reduce coop odors. Read on to learn more: What causes coop odors? Before we get into how to fix a stinky… Read more »

What Are Chicken Tractors?

What Are Chicken Tractors?

We all want our chickens to have the chance to roam, but we also know the dangers of letting them roam too far. A solution that many backyard chicken raisers have turned to is chicken tractors. These nifty contraptions allow your chickens to stretch their legs without them wandering off and into danger. Learn more… Read more »

What is the Best Chicken Coop Flooring?

What is the Best Chicken Coop Flooring?

From chicken roosts to bedding, there are many things to consider when we’re building our chicken coops. However, none of these things will be much use without a good foundation—namely the flooring. Not all chicken coops need flooring—indeed, those that use the deep litter method or have well-draining soil can go without it—but most do… Read more »

The Best Chicken Coop Bedding Materials

The Best Chicken Coop Bedding Materials

We all love that feeling of sinking into a comfy bed after a long day. Our chickens are no different. They want a safe and comfy place to sleep as much as we do. In order to make that space, we first need to create bedding out of the best materials. Here we discuss some… Read more »

Chicken Roosts 101: Everything You Need to Know

Chicken Roosts 101: Everything You Need to Know

The chickens have come home to roost…literally. Chicken roosts, or roosting perches, are a familiar concept to veteran poultry keepers, but not so much for novices. There are a lot of questions soon-to-be chicken owners will have regarding roosts: what are they? How do you build them? Do you need them? Here we seek to… Read more »

Automatic vs. Manual Chicken Coop Doors

Automatic vs. Manual Chicken Coop Doors

You’re settling down into bed, ready to close your eyes for sleep. Then, a thought runs through your head: Did you close the chicken coop door? Panicked, you jump out of bed, run out into the darkness, do a headcount, and then quickly shut the coop door closed. You return to bed, relieved but exhausted…. Read more »

Training Your Chickens to Return to the Coop

Training Your Chickens to Return to the Coop

If you’re a chicken owner, you’ve likely had to spend at least a few nights tracking down each of your chickens before you go to bed. This is hardly how you want to spend your evening, which is why many chicken owners opt for training their chickens to return to the coop on their own…. Read more »