Tag: Raising Backyard Ducks

How Raising Backyard Ducks is Different than Raising Chickens

Silver Appleyard duck

If you’ve already experienced the joys of raising backyard chickens and are considering adding ducks to your flock, there are some notable differences to be aware of. While ducks share some similarities with chickens, they have unique needs and behaviors that can make caring for them a delightful challenge. Let’s waddle through the main distinctions… Read more »

Why Duck Eggs Might be Perfect for You

fresh eggs in basket

If you’ve ever considered raising backyard ducks, you’ve likely considered what it would be like to have fresh eggs available all the time. Duck eggs, a culinary treasure often overshadowed by chicken eggs, offer a range of benefits that might make them the perfect choice for your dietary and lifestyle needs. Whether you’re a baking… Read more »