Search Results for: marans

French Cuckoo Marans

French Cuckoo Marans come from the French port town of Marans. The French Marans have sparsely feathered legs, as distinct from English Marans, which have clean legs. The cuckoo color pattern is similar to that of the well-known barred Plymouth Rock, except that barred feathers have straight bars of roughly the same width, alternating black… Read more »

French Wheaten Marans

Dual-purpose French Wheaten Marans are docile and friendly chickens. Even the roosters are calm and get along well with one another. In the wheaten pattern, the females’ plumage is different shades of wheat color, complemented by black tail feathers. The males have gorgeous orange, red, and black feathers. This French Marans color variety was accepted… Read more »

French Black Tailed Red Marans

The rich chestnut color of the French Black Tailed Red Marans is similar to that of the New Hampshire breed. One major difference between the two is that French Marans have a few feathers on their legs. Another is that Marans eggs have some of the darkest chocolate brown shells you’ll ever see. Be aware… Read more »